

Dear Friends and Colleagues,


Greetings from Oxford! I write to draw to your attention the availability in 2021 of at least two new fully funded graduate scholarships (Master's + Doctoral) for Chinese students of


(1) the New Testament,

(2) systematic theology and/or

(3) any other aspect of Christian theology.


These external awards will cover full overseas fees and living stipend for up to 4 years of master’s and doctoral study at Oxford’s Faculty of Theology and Religion, leading to the D.Phil. degree from the University of Oxford.


Further application information and eligibility criteria (including a commitment to future teaching or ministry in a Mandarin speaking environment) are spelled out by the donor at www.is.gd/oxchina. Additional questions about eligibility and terms of the award can best be addressed via the contact form on that site.


I would be most grateful if you would kindly draw this to the attention of excellent students who you think might be encouraged to apply. We are very keen to attract more qualified applicants for this generous and strategically important scheme. 


General queries about our graduate programmes and application requirements may be addressed in the first instance to graduate.enquiries@theology.ox.a.cuk. Information specifically for potential applicants in New Testament studies is available on our FAQ page is.gd/phdfaq.


Please note that this year’s application deadline is Friday, 8 January 2021.  Separate applications to the scholarship scheme and to the University of Oxford are required by that date.


With many thanks for your support, and best wishes



Markus Bockmuehl
