Professor Wu Xueguo Published His Study on Upanishad

Publisher:林建武Release time:2017-09-11Browse times:432


Professor Wu Xueguo from Nankai University has recently published his five-volume new book A Study on Upanishad. This is the first systematic study of this Indian classic in Chinese academic world, and also the largest one in the world. In this book, Professor Wu has translated Upanishad and made a detailed analysis of it, including its relationship with other Indian classic and its influence on the religions and philosophies of India. The book refutes both the approach by some Indian scholars to study Upanishad un-historically, and the approach by some Western scholars to depict it as a logically coherent whole. It also compares the ideas presented in Upanishad with some other Chinese and Western ideas. Professor Wu’s work has attracted a lot of attention. In the 1st of June, the Faculty of Philosophy of Nankai University hosted a symposium about his book. More than 30 scholars from various institutions attended.
